Tuesday, May 27, 2014

How Do You Prep?

Everyone has their own system, but I'm hoping if I share what works for me, maybe that will help some of you! I would like to start off by saying, I hadn't been grocery shopping in 3 weeks so I spent almost 2 hours shopping. Yikes, but I go to three different stores to find the best deals! Eating healthy DOES NOT have to be expensive; it just takes time and pre-planning. I always buy my bananas, avocados, bottles water, organic chicken, brown eggs, frozen salmon, and sweet potatoes at SAMs Club. This trip I also got strawberries, canteloupe, and organic salad mix. 
One of my favorite places to get CHEAP veggies, gluten free mixes, and canned goods is Aldi's. A misconception about Aldi's is that the food is expired, left-overs, etc...NOT true! Aldi's has their own distributor and is affiliated with Trader Joe's! 
Okay so now you've shopped and have all these bags on your counter. I WILL not put away my fruits and veggies until they are washed, cut, and put in their storage container. Preparation is so important so you have no excuse! I also boiled some eggs for my breakfast, got my frozen salmon out to thaw, and set out all my other meats for the week. 
I also recommend putting your fruits and veggies on the counter so you see it every day. If it's out of site, it's out of mind. 
A couple other ideas; I have a small bag I use to keep all my AdvoCare products handy so I don't forget to take anything. I get everything ready each night before bed. 
Lastly, I always pack a workout bag and set it by the door so I have no excuse to skip the gym! 

Transformation Tuesday

It's Transformation Tuesday so my goal is to get TWO people signed up to take the 24-Day Challenge! Here is an amazing success story: My dad finished the 24-Day Challenge, lost 12 pounds, and went down a size in his pants. He has maintained his weight loss and has more energy to ride his bike!! I'm so proud of him!!

I'm looking for TWO individuals who want to lead a healthy lifestyle! Check out my website: